Shehani Bashir Street Prince Abdel Qader neighborhood Kantara

Chamber of Handicrafts

Address : Headquarters 54 rue Si Abdullah Kasbah.

Phone: 031888173

Fax: 031888108


technical sheet:

Since its creation in accordance with Executive Decree No. 100/97 of Dhu al-Qa’dah 21 corresponding to March 29, 1997, the Chamber has worked mainly on:

  • Maintenance and management of the register of crafts and crafts
  • Promote and develop the craft sector
  • Training, upgrading and updating of information for the benefit of artisans
  • Creation of institutions related to its missions, in particular the training school, improvement of the level, as well as exhibition structures, sales areas and areas of craft activity.

The most important promotional events organized by the Chamber of Constantine in coordination with the Directorate of Tourism and Handicrafts:

  1. Organization of the National Brassware Fair in June of each year
  2. Organization of the celebrations of International Women’s Day, which falls on March 08 of each year.
  3. Organization of the Amazigh New Year celebrations, corresponding to January 12 of each year
  4. Organization of the National Craftsman’s Day celebrations corresponding to November 9 of each year
  5. Participation in events organized by the Chambers throughout the national territory,
  6. Supervise the participation of artisans in events inside and outside the country
Marketing of the traditional product

The Chamber of Constantine works to promote the traditional product through the exhibition and marketing of traditional products for the benefit of artisans who are members of the Chamber, located rue Abban Ramadan (in the center of Constantine).