Shehani Bashir Street Prince Abdel Qader neighborhood Kantara

Our Wilaya


Constantine, also called the city of suspension bridges

Is located between latitude 36 ° 17 and longitude 6 ° 37 ‘in the very center of eastern Algeria, and occupies a privileged natural site in the center of eastern Algeria; precisely 245 km from the Algerian-Tunisian borders, 431 km from the capital Algiers to the west, 89 km from Skikda to the north and 235 km from Biskra to the south. It covers an area of 2278.20km², or 0.09% of the total area of the national territory.

It is geographically limited by:
– The wilaya of Skikda in the North.
– The wilaya of Oum El Bouaghi in the South.
– The wilaya of Guelma in the East.
– The wilaya of Mila in the West.
The city is built on a majestic rock located on both sides of Oued Rhumel, it is thus surrounded by real natural obstacles; geographic landmarks show that the region is not homogeneous with respect to its position and with respect to sea level. It lies between the two Kentour lines 400 and 800 m and 1200 m to the south.